Tuesday, October 4, 2011

National YPS: Nuclear and Three Mile Island (6/5/2011)

By: Melanie

So, I've never blogged before, and with our summit in just a week I'm a little late at it too. But better late than never they say. My topic is about Nuclear Power, and my personal steeple assignment is Technical, and my stakeholder is Exelon Corporation, which owns the largest nuclear fleet in the nation, and the third largest in the world. Here recently I've been really investigating my stakeholder, so this post is mainly about my discovery I made about them today.  Exelon seems like the perfect company. They meet all safety standards, they've won tons of awards, they offer scholarships and care about the environment (or at least say they do). However, when I was looking at their fleet of nuclear power plants, the name of popped out. They are the proud owner of Three Mile Island. However, they did not own the facility at the time of it's nuclear "accident". Despite the fact they aren't responsible for a major nuclear event, they own a piece of it. Which I found really facinating. In the face of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disastor, Exelon reassures us that ALL of their plants are safe from natural disastors, and do everything they can to dispose of material safely, and carry out their daily activities safely. So, hopefully the history they now own will not repeat itself.

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