Friday, March 9, 2012

Why YPS? Part Quattro

Because even 5th graders have résumés now… In a world where competition for jobs, internships and schools is becoming more challenging every day, it is important to find a way to STAND OUT. How do you prove to the person reading your application that you are exactly what they are looking for?
Youth Policy Summit alumni have an impressive toolkit that sets them apart from their peers: in the span of one short week, they have practiced research, writing and organization skills and then applied them to a real-life policy issue. They have utilized essential 21st century skills like collaborative decision making, critical thinking and creative problem solving. Every YPS alum knows how to understand and respect diverse points of view and seek out common interests to resolve a dispute. They take a more active role in civic dialogue and community action projects, and are making a difference. Finally, YPS alumni have spent time with professionals in government, non-profit and industry sectors and have an insider’s perspective on potential academic and career paths.

YPS is a chance to spend a week on a college campus, meet new friends and find creative ways to solve issues that even the decision-makers in Washington can’t figure out.  Space is still available for this summer’s programs- check them out at

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